Many people say that they don't like green tea, but more often than not, they are simply drinking green teas that don't suit their tastes. With a few tips and a few taste tests, most people end up finding green teas they love. Explore the types of green teas below to find the best green teas for your tastes.
Jasmine Green Tea
Along with Earl Grey tea, Jasmine green tea is one of the most popular flavored teas in the world. Good quality Jasmine green teas are made with quality tea leaves that have been naturally scented with jasmine flowers, and they have a deliciously sweet, floral flavor that many people love.
Although Jasmine green tea is more flexible on its brewing requirements than most green teas, it is best when prepared with water that is simmered, not boiling, and only infused for a few minutes. This tea pairs well with a number of foods, working well with everything from spicy Chinese dishes and seafood to fruits such as strawberries and blueberries.
Moroccan Mint Green Tea
Moroccan Mint green tea was traditionally a blend of Chinese gunpowder green tea and fresh mint leaves boiled with hot water and mixed with copious amounts of sugar. This tea is a huge part of Moroccan hospitality and is traditionally served to guests. Today, there are many Moroccan mint green tea blends available; some use dried mint in place of fresh mint and sometimes replace gunpowder green tea with Houjicha, Bancha, or other green teas.
Sencha Green Tea
Sencha is Japan's most popular green tea. It has a flavor that many people describe as vegetal, seaweed-y, or grassy. When made with boiling water or near-boiling water, it can be very astringent, bitter, and harsh, but when prepared with water around 170 F sencha green tea tastes smoother, sweeter, and more balanced. Some types of sencha tea should only be brewed for a short period of time about 15 to 30 seconds and 2 minutes for others. This tea can be enjoyed hot or cold.
A popular alternative to Sencha is Bancha, which is a similar green tea with a slightly rougher, earthier flavor. Bancha is less expensive than Sencha and it pairs well with meals.
Matcha Green Tea
Matcha is shade-grown Japanese green tea, that instead of tea leaves, it is ground into a fine powder. Traditional Matcha drinks are made of Matcha powder, whisked with warm water. However, because it is powdered, Matcha can easily be incorporated into drink recipes (such as tea smoothie recipes) and other powdered tea recipes.
Matcha has a higher level of caffeine than other green teas and has a delicious vegetal umami taste and a frothy foam on top. Chocolate is amazing with this tea, but it also pairs well with seafood, citrus fruits, and croissants.